
Distributors are the partner of our business. As a professional ISO9001 and ISO13485 certified manufacturer of diagnostic kits for clinical, animal disease and food safety, RINGBIO always serves the industries with the highest standards to our ability. We now connect with our customers and partners worldwide with our distributor network. RINGBIO now has distributors in more than 20 countries in the world, please check the locations below to find your nearest distributor. If your area is not covered, you can also contact us directly. Our service team will be glad to help.

Looking for new distributors

In the meantime, we are also looking for new partnerships with companies specialized in the distribution of the medical device, laboratory reagent, or food enzymes, food additives. By cooperating together with strong and powerful partners, we can better serve our customers and end-users. If you are interested in our products and services, and also have a big dream in business growth, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our business managers will help you as soon as possible.

RINGBIO distributors around the world

Our Sales Team

Regions or countries Contact information
North America
South America
General inquiry
Technical support
Website contact