Fur Animals are nature's gifts, which shall be treated with care and love. Mink, as one of the most important fur animal species, are now distributed around the world. Aleutian disease, also known as Aleutian mink disease or Mink Plasmacytosis, is caused by a highly contagious parvovirus (Carnivore amdoparvovirus 1, also known as Aleutian mink disease virus, AMDV, Aleutian disease virus, ADV) affecting mustelids, causing spontaneous abortion and death in minks and ferrets. AMDV or ADV is highly contagious. It is transferred through a ferret's bodily fluids, and it can lie dormant in dried urine or on an owner's clothes and shoes for up to two years. Mink Aleutian disease testing is the most important thing in mink and ferrets

Here at RINGBIO, we developed rapid tests for Mink Aleutian Disease. The performance and quality have been validated in more than 350,000 samples, and this number is still growing.
Mink Aleutian Disease Testing Rapid Test Kit
This rapid test kit is a lateral immunochromatography strip to detect AMDV specific antibodies in serum, plasma and blood comb. Sine 2015, Ringbio has done more than 1000,000 testings with this technology.
Mink Aleutian Disease Testing ELISA Kit
This ADV antibody ELISA kit is based on indirect immunoassay to detect AMDV specific antibodies in serum, plasma and blood comb. This is now the main method for AMDV antibody testing. Since 2015, we have tested more than 2,000,000 samples with this kit. It is well validated and proved to work well.
Mink Aleutian Disease Testing Service
We also provide ADV testing service, which is now available in China.
For customers from other locations, please contact us for help.