African Swine Fever Virus Real-time PCR Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Swine / Porcine



This African Swine Fever Virus Real-time PCR kit uses UNG enzyme anti-pollution system, which is suitable for the detection of African swine fever virus nucleic acid in pig blood, pork tissue, lymph nodes, spleen and other samples.

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large, double-stranded DNA virus and the sole member of the Asfarviridae family. ASFV infects domestic pigs, wild boars, warthogs, and bush pigs, as well as soft ticks (Ornithodoros erraticus), which likely act as a vector. 

ASF doesn’t infect people, but it is readily passed from one pig to another by direct contact with bodily fluids from an infected pig. The practice of feeding uncooked food waste (that has not been appropriately heat treated) to pigs can also result in transmission of the virus if the food waste being fed to pigs contains contaminated pork products.

Key facts of this African Swine Fever Virus Real-time PCR Kit

  • Ready to use kits for veterinary labs
  • No special instrument required.
  • Only less than 60min to get the result
  • Low cost with high sensitivity

Performance of the African Swine Fever Virus Triple Fluorescence PCR Kit(VP72/CD2v/MGF)

This African Swine Fever Virus Real-time PCR kit uses UNG enzyme anti-pollution system, which is suitable for the detection of African swine fever virus nucleic acid in pig blood, pork tissue, lymph nodes, spleen and other samples.

African Swine Fever Virus Real-time PCR Kit Components

  • PCR reaction solution
  • Lyse the diluent
  • Negative Control
  • Positive Control

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