Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Rapid Test Kit

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Kit Principle
Pet Test



this Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Rapid Test Kit is based on immunochromatographic assay to detect Toxoplasma Gondii IgG Antibody in canine or feline serum.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by the globally distributed protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii (phylum Apicomplexa); the disease can be clinically important for almost all homeothermic animals, including birds and humans. Toxoplasmosis course involves general clinical signs, such as fever, anorexia, or dyspnea, and more specific signs with neural, respiratory, cutaneous, or ocular involvement. Because of the wide range of clinical signs, the diagnosis in domestic and pet animals can be complicated. 

Key facts of the Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Rapid Test Kit

  • Ready to use kits for pet owners and vet clinic
  • No special instrument required
  • Suitable for field test
  • Result in 10min.

Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Rapid Test Kit Components

Toxoplasma Gondii Antibody Rapid Test Kit Components
Item # Item Qty
1 Rapid Test Card  15 pcs
2 Sample buffer tube  15 bottles
3 Plastic pipettes, 0.5ml  15 pcs
4 Kit instruction,   1 set

Toxoplasma in cats

Cats are the definitive host of T. gondii. Cats are most commonly infected with T. gondii when they prey on infected mice, birds and other small animals. For indoor-only cats, the most likely source of infection is uncooked meat scraps or raw meat.

Most infected adult cats appear healthy. However, some cats may develop pneumonia, liver damage, and other health problems. Signs of illness in cats include lethargy, loss of appetite, coughing, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, jaundice, blindness, personality changes, eye problems, and other neurologic problems. The reason why some cats get sick and others do not is unknown, but immunocompromised kittens and cats (e.g. those also infected with feline leukemia virus and/or feline immunodeficiency virus [FIV]) appear to have increased risk of illness. There is currently no vaccine available for T. gondii, but treatment can be effective if the disease is diagnosed early. A blood test for T. gondii antibodies can help in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in sick cats.

How can exposure to T. gondii be prevented?

General precautions:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after working with soil or after handling raw or undercooked meat, vegetables, or unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Avoid consuming raw milk or other unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating, especially those grown in backyard gardens.
  • Boil water from ponds and streams when camping/hiking.
  • When cooking, avoid tasting meat before it is fully cooked.
  • Cook meat to appropriate temperatures to destroy the oocysts. For the appropriate temperatures, go to
  • Thoroughly wash and disinfect cutting boards, knives, sinks and counters immediately after cutting meats.
  • Cover all outside sand boxes when not in use to prevent cats from using them as litter boxes.

For cat owners:

  • Remember that you are more likely to be infected with T. gondii from undercooked meat or the environment than from your cat, and take the precautions listed above to protect yourself. 
  • Keep your cat indoors - do not allow your cat(s) to hunt rodents and birds.
  • Avoid raw foods.  Only feed your cats cooked meat or processed food.
  • Change the cat litter daily before T. gondii oocysts “ripen” and become infectious.
  • Dispose of used litter safely, preferably in a sealed plastic bag.
  • If your cat has long hair on its rear end that tends to collect fecal material, carefully trim the hair or have your cat professionally groomed to keep the area clean. Similarly, if your cat is too overweight, ill or arthritic to adequately groom itself, you may need to groom the cat (wash your hands afterward) or have it professionally groomed.

If you are pregnant or immunocompromised, follow these additional precautions:

  • If possible, do not handle stray cats or adopt new cats during your pregnancy or illness. If a new cat comes into your family during this time, have it thoroughly examined by a veterinarian immediately to ensure it is healthy and to answer any questions you may have.
  • Take extra precautions (hand washing, etc.)  to avoid contact with cat feces.
  • If you own a cat, avoid changing the litter box if possible (e.g., ask your spouse, roommate, etc. to change the litter box) or change it daily (to avoid contact with oocysts after they have had sufficient time to become infectious), use rubber gloves when doing so, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

For additional information on toxoplasmosis in people, visit

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