Folic acid, vitamin B9 Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Food Safety Testing
Milk Rapid Testing



The folic acid rapid test kit is used to detect Folic acid in milk and milk powder samples. This kit is ILVO validated.

Folic acid, vitamin B9, is used as a supplement by women during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects (NTD) in the baby. Low levels in early pregnancy are believed to be the cause of more than half of babies born with neural tube defects. More than 50 countries use fortification of certain foods with folic acid as a measure to decrease the rate of NTDs in the population. It is added to many different food and drugs.

The folic acid rapid test kit is an implementation of the ISO standards. Biotin is extracted from the sample and then diluted. The diluted extract and biotin assay medium are added to the wells of a microtiter plate coated with Lactobacillus plantarum, which relies on the presence of biotin to grow. After adding biotin as a standard or as a vitamin contained in a sample, the germ grows until the vitamin all consumed. Incubation at 37 °C in darkness for 44-48h. The growth of Lactobacillus plantarum depending on the extracted biotin is monitored as turbidity and compared to a standard series. Then measurement the result by ELISA reader at 610-630 nm (alternatively at 540-550 nm).

Key facts of the Folic acid rapid test kit

  • Ready to use test kit based on microbiology growth
  • Method adapted from ISO standards
  • Applicable for milk, baby formula, pharmaceuticals, food, and feed, etc.
Vitamin B9 rapid test kit, folic acid rapid test kit validated by ILVO

Folic acid rapid test kit key parameters

  • Sensitivity: 0.16 ug/100g
  • Stability: 12 months when stored properly
  • Accuracy: 90%-105%
  • Assay time:60min
  • Incubation: 44-48 degree celsius

Folic acid rapid test kit Components

  • Precoated microwell, 96wells
  • Folic acid standard solution
  • Culture medium
  • Sterilized water
  • Plate cover

Further readings on the folic acid rapid test kit