Why is immunization in pets so important?

Why is immunization in pets so important?

Immunization in pet is important because it helps prevent many illnesses that affect them and can also protect humans from diseases that can be transmitted by animals². Vaccines contain antigens that stimulate the pet's immune system to fight off disease-causing organisms². There are different types and combinations of vaccines for different diseases and pets².

Some vaccines are considered core, which means they are recommended for every pet, while others are non-core, which means they are advised based on the pet's lifestyle and risk of exposure². For example, rabies is a core vaccine in any area where rabies exists and is critical for keeping animals and people safe¹². Rabies is 100% fatal to dogs and cats, with no treatment available³. Other examples of core vaccines for dogs are distemper, parvovirus and adenovirus, and for cats are herpesvirus, calicivirus and panleukopenia¹².

Generally, veterinarian can best determine a vaccination schedule for the pet, depending on their age, medical history, environment and health². Many vaccines can be given to pets as young as 6 weeks old². Vaccines may require a booster to keep them effective, usually after 1 year or 3 years depending on the type of vaccine²³.

Immunization in pet, also known as vaccination, is a procedure that has risks and benefits that must be weighed for every pet². Some pets may experience mild symptoms after vaccination, such as soreness, fever or allergic reactions². These symptoms usually resolve within a few days, but if they persist or worsen, always contact the veterinarian immediately².

There are also some diseases that do not have vaccines available, in these cases, it is better to follow the suggestions of the vet. Always visit websites such as CDC, WOAH, WOH, etc for information and knowledge. The best practice is keeping good hygiene and always make sure the pets are free of infection.


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(1) Vaccinations for Your Pet | ASPCA. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/vaccinations-your-pet.
(2) Pet Health: The Importance of Vaccination - SOURCE. https://source.colostate.edu/pet-health-vaccination-prevents-disease/.
(3) Pet Vaccines: Schedules for Cats and Dogs - WebMD. https://pets.webmd.com/pet-vaccines-schedules-cats-dogs.
(4) Pet Vaccinations: Understanding Vaccinations for Your Cat or Dog - WebMD. https://pets.webmd.com/features/pet_vaccination.
(5) Where Do I Find Free and Low-Cost Pet Vaccinations? - GoodRx. https://www.goodrx.com/pet-health/pets/free-low-cost-pet-vaccinations.
