Brucella antibody testing with brucella antibody rapid test kit

Brucella antibody testing with brucella antibody rapid test kit

About brucella

Brucellosis, also known as undulant fever, Mediterranean fever is a zoonosis and the infection is almost invariably transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected animals or their products. Expansion of animal industries and urbanization, and the lack of hygienic measures in animal husbandry and in food handling partly account for brucellosis remaining a public health hazard. Expansion of international travel which stimulates the taste for exotic dairy goods such as fresh cheeses which may be contaminated, and the importation of such foods into Brucella-free regions, also contribute to the ever-increasing concern over human brucellosis. 

Brucella is a type of bacteria that can cause a range of diseases in humans and animals. It is a zoonotic pathogen, which means that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Brucella infection is a serious public health concern, particularly in developing countries where it is more common.

Brucella antibody testing

Antibody testing for brucella is an important diagnostic tool that can help farmers identify individual animal that has been infected with the bacteria. When the animal is exposed to brucella, it produces antibodies to fight off the infection. These antibodies can be detected in the blood, and a positive test result can confirm the presence of the infection.

In addition to its importance in diagnosing brucellosis, antibody testing can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. After treatment, the levels of antibodies in the blood should decrease, indicating that the infection has been successfully treated.

Testing with Brucella antibody rapid test kit

Ringbio brucella antibody rapid test kit is a lateral flow rapid test kit for the detection brucella specific antibodies in bovine milk, or serum. The kit is sensitive, fast and reliable. According to a clinical testing compared with ELISA, this kit demonstrated 100% specificity and the sensitivity is 97.64%. 


Product name Brucella Antibody Rapid Test Kit
Product code C40141, C40142
Unit Size 50 tests per box
Principle Indirect lateral flow immunoassay
Species Bovine, goat, sheep
Samples Milk, serum, plasma
Specificity >95%
Sensitivity >90% compared with indirect brucella antibody ELISA kit
Shelf-life 12 months
Storage 2- 30 oC or 2-8 oC

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