Nonylphenol ethoxylates, NPE Rapid Test Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Test Type
Single Test
Food Safety Testing
Milk Rapid Testing



Nonylphenol ethoxylates, NPE Rapid Test Kit is a lateral flow rapid test to detect NPE in milk and milk powder samples. Water samples may also apply.

Nonylphenol ethoxylates are nonionic surfactants that are used in a wide variety of industrial applications and consumer products. Many of these, such as laundry detergents, are “down-the-drain” applications. Some others, such as dust-control agents and deicers, lead to direct release to the environment. NPEs, though less toxic and persistent than NP, are also highly toxic to aquatic organisms, and, in the environment, degrade into NP.

NP and NPEs are produced in large volumes, with uses that lead to widespread release to the aquatic environment. NP is persistent in the aquatic environment, moderately bioaccumulative, and extremely toxic to aquatic organisms. NP has also been shown to exhibit estrogenic properties in in-vitro and in-vivo assays. NP’s main use is in the manufacture of NPEs. NP and NPEs have been found in environmental samples taken from freshwater, saltwater, groundwater, sediment, soil and aquatic biota. NP has also been detected in human breast milk, blood, and urine and is associated with reproductive and developmental effects in rodents.

This NPE rapid test kit is based on an indirect competitive immunoassay of the specific reaction of NPE and NPE monoclonal antibodies. NPE-7, NPE-9, NPE-10 can be detected with this kit in less than 10min.

Key facts of the NPE rapid test Kit

  • Ready to use rapid test kit based on competitive Immunoassay
  • Total time required only 8min
  • Highly specific to NPEs, including NPE-4, NPE-7, NPE-9, NPE-10, etc.
  • Applicable for milk sample

NPE rapid test kit parameters

  • Sensitivity: 150ppb, ng/ml  OR 200ppb, ng/ml
  • Stability: 12 months when stored properly
  • Test time: 8min
  • Applied sample: milk, milk powder

Reagent needed

  • Anhydrous ethanol

NPE rapid test kit components

  • 12 tubes with 8 test strips per tube, in total 96tests per box
  • Microwell reagent and well, in 12tubes, 8/tube
  • Microwell holder
  • Kit instruction manual

NPE rapid test kit video

For more information about the NPE rapid test kit, please feel free to contact us.

Further readings on NPEs and NPEs testing