Ringbio ® KangarooSci ® Listeria monocytogenes count plate

Product Code
Kit Principle
Food Safety Testing



Ringbio ® KangarooSci ® Listeria monocytogenes Count Plate is based on the ISO/AOAC standard method, which utilizes the dehydrated culture medium to cultivate the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in 36h to give you a visual and easily-counting result. This count plate is readily usable. Enrichment is required. The bacteria will grow on the plate with proper incubation. The result can be enumerated with counter. 

Key features of KangarooSci ® Listeria monocytogenes Count Plate

  • Visual countable result in 36 hours
  • Comparable performance & results with other commercial count plate
  • Cost effective and readily availble
  • All blue-green colonies shall be counted.
  • Applicable for food and beverage industry

Specifications of this KangarooSci ® Listeria monocytogenes Count Plate

Product Code KGR026
Package Size 12 tests / pack, customized size available
Brand Name KangarooSci
Principle Culture medium and/or selective culture medium based
Enumeration Range Starting from 1. This plate is specific to listeria monocytogenes. Other Listeria or non-Listeria bacterium cannot grow in this plate, or they are colorless.
Incubation 36oC±1oC for 36h
Storage Temperature
  • 2-8oC for 12 months in cool dark place.
  • Room temp. for 1 months after opening the foil package 
Applied Samples Liquid and/or solid samples. 
Sample Preparation Pre-enrichment required
Reference Standard
  • ISO Standard, ISO4833 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs 
  • China Food Safety Standard,  GB4789.30
Typical Result of the kit  


Components of KangarooSci ® Listeria monocytogenes count plate

  • 12 count plates in one foil package, further packed in paper box.

Instrument or reagent required to run this Listeria monocytogenes count plate

  • Micropipette with 1mL
  • pH meter
  • NaOH, 1M, for sample pH adjusting
  • HCl, 1M, for sample pH adjusting
  • Incubator
  • Counter
  • This sample buffer solution is sterile saline solution (0.85-0.90%), KH2PO4 water solution, 0.1% peptone water, peptone salt diluent, buffered peptone water. All of these buffer will work in the experiment. Choose any of these sterile solution as sample buffer solution for analysis.


  • In order to get a precise result, all instrument, devices, and the plastic consumables used in the analysis shall be sterile. Otherwise it will lead to unexpected result.
  • Subject to the limitations of the method used in the kit, it is applicable to products intended for human consumption and environmental samples. Further internal validation may require if new samples are tested.