This macrolides rapid test kit is for the detection of tilmicosin and tylosin in milk, honey, egg and other food samples. The detection limit meets EU MRL requirements. Due to the similarity of chemical structures, tylosin and tilicosin cross reacts with the monoclonal antibody used in the kit, thus these two drug residues can be tested with a sinle test strip simultaneously.
The macrolides are a class of natural products that consist of a large macrocyclic lactone ring to which one or more deoxy sugars, usually cladinose and desosamine, may be attached. The lactone rings are usually 14-, 15-, or 16-membered. Some macrolides have antibiotic or antifungal activity and are used as pharmaceutical drugs.
Macrolides, such as tylosin, tilmicosin and spiramycin, constitute the mainstay of therapy for chronic respiratory diseases in poultry. Furthermore, macrolides at subtherapeutic concentration are used for improving feed conversion and growth promotion. In dairy cattles, tilmicosin and tylosin are used due to their activity against Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolitica.Tilmicosin is recommended for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia in young cattle. In honey bees, tylosin is useful for AFB control in colonies due to its chemical characteristics, antimicrobial activity and levels of protein binding in bees larvae, and beehive.
MRLs for these two drugs have been set up in EU, China, and Codex Standards.
Key facts of the Macrolides rapid test kit
- Ready to use kits for farmers, truck drivers, etc
- Non-incubator required
- Result visible in 10min
- High-specific to tylosin and tilmicosin
Detection Limit of the kit
- Tilmicosin: 25-35 ng/ml
- Tylosin: 3-5 ng/ml,
- This detection limit may change, please refer to the kit insert.
Kit Components
- Macrolides Test Strip, 96pcs
- Microwell reagent, 96wells
- Plastic Pipette, 96pcs
Materials required but not provided
- Micropipette, 20-200ul
- Microwell reagent, 96wells
- Plastic Pipette, 96pcs
Note: sample preparation is required for egg, honey, meat, etc. Please check the kit instruction manual for more details.
Further information on macrolides testing
- Song, Yuehong, et al. "Simultaneous detection of tylosin and tilmicosin in honey using a novel immunoassay and immunochromatographic strip based on an innovative hapten." Food and Agricultural Immunology 27.3 (2016): 314-328.
- Avci, Tulay, and Muammer Elmas. "Milk and blood pharmacokinetics of tylosin and tilmicosin following parenteral administrations to cows." The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014).