Nitrofurans Metabolite rapid test kit (Shrimp Nitrofurans Metabolite AOZ/AMOZ/AHD/SEM 4in1 QuaTest) is a rapid test to detect the four major metabolites of nitrofurans in shrimp, meat, honey and milk samples. The total test time is 10min, and the sample preparation is 20min including derivatization.
Nitrofurans are a class of drugs typically used as antibiotics or antimicrobials. Nitrofurans share a nitrofuran ring which is coupled to a side-chain via an azomethine bond. The sidechains differ for the various drugs, being 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) for furazolidone, 3-amino5-methylmorpholino-2-oxazolidinone (AMOZ) for furaltadone, 1-aminohydantoin (AHD) for nitrofurantoin, semicarbazide (SEM) for nitrofurazone, and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid hydrazide (DNSH) for nifursol. Nitrofurans have short half-lives in animals and therefore they do not occur generally as residues in foods of animal origin. Reactive metabolites are formed that are able to bind covalently to tissue macromolecules, such as proteins and DNA. When animal tissues are consumed as food, the side-chains may be released from the metabolites, namely AOZ, AMOZ, AHD, SEM and DNSH.
Currently, they are banned in animal production in EU, China and USA. Since nitrofurans are prohibited antibiotics, against which no MRLs have established. The conventional method for the determination of nitrofurans is based on LC-MS/MS, which is complicated and time-consuming, as well as high cost. This Nitrofurans Metabolite AOZ/AMOZ/AHD/SEM 4-in-1 QuaTest is based on lateral flow immunoassay, which will only need 10min in detection and 20min in sample preparation. It is fast, accurate and reliable.
Key facts of the Nitrofurans Metabolite rapid test kit
- Ready to use kits for shrimp sample
- No incubation required, total detection in 10min
- Highly specific to AOZ/AMOZ/AHD/SEM, the four major nitrofuran metabolites.
Assay steps of Nitrofurans Metabolite rapid test kit
Since the marker residues of nitrofurans are AOZ, AMOZ, AHD and SEM, which need derivatization before further testing. This test kit will require the following steps in the analysis.
- The sample is homogenized and extracted with the extraction buffer
- Derivatization for 10-20min
- Dry with nitrogen gas or evaporator
- Reconstitute with sample buffer
- Testing with the test kit
Detection Limit of the Nitrofurans Metabolite rapid test kit
0.2 - 0.5 ppb.
Kit Components
- Nitrofuran 4-in-1 RapidTest Strip, 48pcs
- Microwell reagent, 48wells
- Plastic Pipette, 48pcs
- Sample buffer, 2 bottles
- Derivative reagent
Further reading
- Wikipedia, nitrofurans page
- EFSA, Scientific Opinion on nitrofurans and their metabolites